
The Peaceniks want to hand me my head for suggesting the US might need the ability to defend itself. I can't possibly have a point that people can be awful without any real provocation, no.

Peace will find a way...if only bitches like me will kiss the asses of Peaceniks and not provoke them to violence. I guess.

And I made the mistake of asking someone why they thought Saudi would give Trump a billion dollars if he really flees to Venezuela should America actually choose a Black woman president over rich White male privilege. As is common, he thinks he's right and I'm wrong, stupid and deserve to be publicly insulted for genuinely being curious why anyone would think that.

First of all, it's one of those amazingly stupid internet arguments that's unwinnable because even Saudi Arabia doesn't currently know what it might do should Trump ACTUALLY lose the election and then ACTUALLY flee to Venezuela. 

Saudi won't know unless and until that ACTUALLY happens and they get to see all the pertinent real world details, not play around with hypothetical "what if" scenarios. 

Second, I was genuinely surprised because I have a yawning disinterest in politics and was homeless when Trump was in office, so the idea that Trump and Saudi are tight was news to me.

Saudi is still run by royal families. They no doubt default to courting personal relationships because that's their world. 

But it's not our world. 

America is a democracy with a two term limit for president. Sucking up to Trump and his relatives while he was in office was Saudi courting a relationship to the US, not specifically to Trump as a person.

My mother is German, so I am keenly aware that for decades after WW2, movie villains were typically German and at some point they became typically Middle Eastern.

I'm a former military wife, so I'm supposed to be deeply inculcated with the American knee jerk reaction to whomever our current "automatic villains" are. But I'm divorced and had online friends in various Middle Eastern countries during my divorce, so I don't feel compelled to be basically a racist asshat defaulting to stereotypes and not really seeing Middle Easterners as real people. 

Trump making the unusual choice to be "friendly " to Saudi while he was in office was a rare opportunity for them and they seem to have been happy to leap on it.

But Trump never held any political office prior to becoming president, he didn't get re-elected even though usually American presidents serve their two terms back-to-back, and he took part in an insurrection for which he wants immunity based on having been president. 

This is amazingly ass backwards. Foreigners get diplomatic immunity for certain roles on the theory they don't know the laws and culture. The president is supposed to be in charge and responsible for the country.

Asking for immunity because he was in charge is the ultimate in rich White privileged asshole who grew up with money and doesn't feel he should ever be punished or held to any standard etc.

It's a position of "I make the rules. I don't follow them."

If you have ANY sense at all, you invest big bucks in someone who has FUTURE value to you. It is an investment, even if it is also greasing palms or a questionable "gift" or some such.

To the best of my knowledge, Trump's relatives only had any political power when Trump was president. None of them have any power in their own right.

I generally don't read the news but even just the recent headlines make Trump sound like a completely addled-brained old fart who is losing his faculties big time. 

If he gets convicted, loses the election and flees to Venezuela, odds seem rather poor that he has any real hope of successfully returning to political power in the US.

If the Saudis have any sense, they will cut their losses, not bet on trying to help Trump "for old time's sake," much less in hopes that he still can do enough for them in the future for their billions to come back to them with interest.

So I'm not going to "argue" further with some caveman that I wasn't trying to argue with to begin with. And I'm not going to try to continue a conversation with someone insulting me on the assumption that if I don't agree with him, clearly I'm stupid.

But regardless of how little I have bothered to follow politics, I will be genuinely surprised if Saudi gifts Trump a billion dollars should he actually flee to Venezuela. That seems like not only a waste of money but a good means to cut their own throats politically for no real reason.

It's not like he married a Saudi princess and they need to make sure SHE can still live in style in spite of her husband being a butthead.

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