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Looking for Trouble

A few years ago, I researched and wrote up a piece about a massacre of Native Americans and later edited it and moved it . Since then, I've thought a lot about what I learned in the process about how things started and likely went wrong. The race is not always to the swift nor the battle to the strong, but that's the way to bet. Most people do this. They have baggage and they decide to cut to the chase and "bet" that if you fit a particular profile, (conclusion). For example: You're white, so you must be a racist asshole. I think of this as looking for trouble unnecessarily. You shorten the process of defending yourself against assholes but make it nigh impossible to establish allies because you are offending and rejecting potential allies because of some superficial trait that you mentally sum up as "not one of us." This helps keep the problem intractable and actively grows it. Over time, it can grow to huge proportions because no one wants to be told

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