
Over the years, I have repeatedly had the experience that I join some forum and it grows dramatically while I am there. After I leave, it collapses in upon itself and becomes a shadow of its former self.

It felt to me like they grew dramatically because of me and they collapsed dramatically because I left. I considered calling this blog:
Confessions of a Forum Killer
Someone wiser than me suggested the current name and I went with that. But it never really thrived and I took it offline for a long time, moving some essential pieces elsewhere (two of which now are live again AND also still elsewhere).

I couldn't hit the bar I wanted to hit of using my observations about specific forums to try to illustrate ideas without hurting the people in question, in part because you can't anonymize "The oldest x type forum on the internet" or "The biggest y type forum on the planet."

This blog is being repurposed and republished.
You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it. -- Albert Einstein
It's possible it will eclipse out The Genevieve Files and Feminine Character Works because both of those are fundamentally about social observation, as this blog was originally intended to be, but all three were intended to be about limited, specific things.

Maybe it's time for me to get LESS topical and more my usual rambling, chatty self who sees connections between things OTHER PEOPLE would like to claim are not connected and who habitually tell me "That's off topic" while I give them the deer in the headlights look and wonder which one of the two of us is nuts.

Perhaps like Project: SRO, those two blogs are poor framing and simply not a good way to talk about things I want to talk about and craft a message consistent with what is in my mind and try to do this Vulcan mindmeld "My mind to your mind" thing called writing.

I announced that Project: SRO is downshifting and then fairly PROMPTLY published a ton of new material on it, a brain dump to flesh out the half-baked idea it produced so someone can use the info if they care to. But I do expect it to actually downshift and newer, better work will go elsewhere.

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